
Youth Smoking Prevention is an independent foundation that aims to make smoking a thing of the past.
The reason for this is that smoking causes the greatest disease burden as a result of unhealthy behaviour (13 percent); 30 percent of all cancer cases in the Netherlands are caused by smoking and 80 percent of all lung diseases.
Smoking is the leading preventable cause of illness. But smoking is an addiction, and the cigarette has been deliberately made as addictive as possible. The cigarette is ‘addictive by design’. No other legally available product has been made as addictive as the cigarette. As a society, we must therefore ensure that no new smokers are added: children should no longer fall into the nicotine trap.
The board members of Youth Smoking Prevention are committed to the foundation without remuneration. In order to remunerate the journalists who participate in the TabakNee website and the lawyers who represent the foundation in legal proceedings, Youth Smoking Prevention derives income from donations. The foundation has ANBI status and publishes its annual report every year (in Dutch on the Dutch website).
Wanda de Kanter, lung specialist Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (Netherlands Cancer Institute), author Nederland stopt! Met roken - chairman
Em. Prof. Dr. Frits van Dam, psychologist, University of Amsterdam, former employee of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (Netherlands Cancer Institute) - secretary
R. Giebels, econometrician, former adviser on financial affairs and risk management at the Municipality of Amsterdam - treasurer
Prof. Dr. René Bernards, molecular biologist, Utrecht University, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Barbara van den Broeke, psychologist/psychotherapist, children and youth
Pauline Dekker, lung specialist Red Cross Hospital, author Nederland stopt! With smoking
Prof. Jacques Wallage, honorary professor transitions in public administration, University of Groningen
Committee of Recommendation
Rob L.V.M. Barnasconi, dentist; former chairman KNMT; Partner VvAA
Dr. Renee Bittoun, associate professor of medicine, head of the Smoking Cessation Institute, University of Sydney
Prof Piet Borst, former Scientific Director of the Netherlands Cancer Institute
Prof. Paul Brand, paediatric pulmonologist Isala Klinieken Zwolle
Prof. Dr. J.W.W. Coebergh, social physician and epidemiologist
Gert van Dijk, medical ethicist KNMG
Ireen van Ditshuyzen, documentary maker
Prof. Dr. Marjolein Drent, professor of pulmonary medicine, Maastricht University
Benedicte Ficq, criminal lawyer
Bas van Goor, former volleyball player, director Bas van Goor Foundation
Pauline Haasbroek, smoking cessation coach
Dr. Miriam de Kleijn, general practitioner, epidemiologist
Prof. Dr. Caro Koning, radiotherapist
Prof. Dr. Willem J.M. Levelt, former President of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences
Prof. Dr. Angela Maas, Professor of cadiology for women, UMC St Radboud Nijmegen
Prof. Dr. Johan Mackenbach, Professor and Head of the Department of Public Health, Erasmus MC Rotterdam
Prof. Dr. Bob Pinedo, oncologist, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Professor Dirkje Postma, professor of pulmonary medicine, University of Groningen
Prof. Robert N. Proctor, Professor of the History of Science, Stanford University
Dr. Lukas Stalpers, radiotherapist, Academic Medical Centre
Prof. Robert West, health psychologist, director of Tobacco Studies, University College London
Dr. Nout Wellink, former president of the Dutch Central Bank
Prof. Michiel Westenberg, development psychologist, Leiden University
Prof. Rudi Westendorp, geriatrician, Leiden University
Prof. Reinout Wiers, developmental psychopathologist, University of Amsterdam
Dr Jeffrey Wigand, Tobacco industry watchdog, founder of Smoke-Free Kids Inc.